C Section And Recovery — How To Get Through It All With Your Nerves Intact

2 min readAug 29, 2020


a women enjoying time with her baby after having a c section.

Childbirth is a thrilling journey for any parent. You meet for the first time your little bundle of joy whom you have been carrying inside of you for 9 whole months. Yet, it can be tricky too. Especially, when the childbirth is cesarean. A C-section operation or cesarean requires up to 2–3 days in the hospital, and 6 weeks of complete rest at home. Here are a few tips to make the resting period easier.

  • Rest

Plenty of rest after any surgery is important. It might seem hard with a bawling baby at your side, but get help from your partner and family. Complete bed rest is advised for up to 6 weeks after the surgery. It is wise to rest when the baby sleeps.

  • Pain

There is nothing wrong with taking painkillers on the doctor’s consultation, especially if you are breastfeeding. A heating pad can also be used on the abdomen. Don’t lift anything heavy.

  • Your body is your baby too

Avoid having to walk about when you heal. Keep everything necessary at your hand’s reach. Do light exercises, like going for a walk which will prevent constipation and blood clot. But avoid strenuous exercises after a c-section at all costs. Consult your doctor regarding the right time to work and drive.

  • Emotional health matters

If you feel disappointed or exhausted, do not ignore it. A cesarean may make you feel guilty or ashamed and bring about mixed emotions. The c-section scar may trouble your mind as a reminder of a painful experience. Talking to someone may reduce risks of postpartum depression.

  • Good nutrition

A well-planned diet should be in place even after the months of pregnancy. Include fibre-rich fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty of water and other fluids to avoid constipation and to boost breast milk supply.

  • Look out for infections

You must consult your doctor if you feel or observe the following symptoms.

  • Redness, swelling or pus oozing from the incision site.
  • Pain around the site.
  • Fever of more than 100.4°F (38°C).
  • Bad-smelling discharge from the vagina.
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding.
  • Redness or swelling on your leg.
  • Difficulty with breathing.
  • Chest pain.
  • Pain in your breasts.

Of course, taking care is difficult after a major surgery. But, with the help of your loved ones, a supportive partner and an excellent medical team, the transition from childbirth to parenthood can be smooth and beautiful.




Written by Larkcs

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